
OF OUR utmost importance.

1.Too small or unimportant to be worth consideration.
2.(of a person) Without power or influence.
Synonyms:- unimportant - petty - trifling-trivial  - negligible

We are enormously insignificant, but it is still important to be.


The Frown - The National

This - actually - is South African. Had a quick glance at it on MK and have continued to fall into its intruiging pit of disgust and repulse. In a good way. Proud that its one of the best eye-catching videos I've come across, and it's locally produced. This graphically overshadows the song a bit, but I'd give the song about a 6.5 / 10 without the video anyway. Enjoy.


Kringe in `n Bos

"Party dinge is altyd se dinge, hulle het nie begin nie en hulle het nie end nie."
"Some things are forever's things, they don't have a beginning and they don't have an end." ~Maska, Circles in a Forest
website for this image: www.goodreads.com

Hierdie boek hier is ons Graad 11 voorgeskrewe boek. Ons is besig om `n tweede kwartaal aan hom te lees. Dalene Matthee (1938-2005), skrywer van al die Bos-boeke, skepper van toepaslike karakters, waardes en gesklipunte, se wese lewe in Kringe in `n Bos deur Saul Barnard. Milieu is geset in Knysna-bos, Suid-Afrika. Die werklikheid le in die fiksie. Tradisioneel, eie, outentiek.

This book here is our Eleventh Grade prescribe work. We're spending a second term reading it. Existence of Dalene Matthee (1938-2005), author of all the Forest books, creator of believable and relevant characters, morals and issues, lives in Circles in in a Forest through Saul Barnard. Milieu is set in the Knysna Forest, South Africa. The reality lies in the fiction. Traditional, unique, authentic.

Joanna Newsom

Listen to: '81 from album: Have One on Me

And it does not suffice, for you, to say:
I am a sweet girl
And it does not suffice to say
you hate to see me sad
Because of you

And everywhere I tried to love you

Is yours again and only yours.

above left: www.listal.com