
Saligheid Van Muurblom-wees

Ons kan dit nie onder woorde bring nie, maar almal van ons is bang daar is iets verskriklik fout met ons. As ons die prinses was, sou die prins opdaag. As ons die dogter van `n koning was, sou hy vir ons veg. Ons kan nie help om te glo dat as ons anders was, as ons beter was, sou ons nou al wees wat ons verlang om te wees nie. Die fout mòèt by ons lê.

Ons verkies om dus muurblom te wees, onpenetreerbaar en mooi op-`n-rakkie, waar niemand ons kan pla met onbereikbare verwagtinge nie. Waar ons na hartelus kan afskilfer of netjies gesete bly om die verbygaande lewens te aanskou.

En terwyl ons daar sit, wonder ons hoe ons so oortuig geraak het dat ons siektes sonder kuur is, ons foute onverhaalbaar, hoe geen hoeveelheid geld ons selfverwyt kan terugkoop nie; dat vertroue verlore wense is.

As ons muurblomme is, hoef ons nooit in die oë gesit te word nie; nooit te begin of op te gee nie. Ons neem nie deel nie. Ons hoef niks name te onthou nie. Ons het niks (ware) vriende om teleur te stel nie. Ons hoef nie verhoudings te maak of breek nie.

Dis so gerieflik soos onsigbaarheid. Maar wat nou?


Tentative Tuesday

"The Kotzker Rebbe put it succinctly when he said that a person should have a piece of paper in each side pocket. On one should be written, "The world was created (just) for me". On the other, "I am (originated from only) dust and ashes". The trick in life, says the Rebbe is to know when to take out which piece of paper!" - Torah
Remember you're not special.


"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting."

found on weheartit.com


Up & Down List

This is an Up & Down List.


  1. New Girl - Quirky comedy series in which Jess (Zooey Deschanel) and three bro flatmates experience valuable lessons in friendship and life
  2. Tubidy and Dilandau and mp3juices mobile download website. Download annyyy song.
    from: nlm.nih.gov
  4. Biology. Although its about the urinary tract this time I still seem to find it exciting.
  5. The Concretes, Indie pop band from Stockholm, Sweden. Listening to Good Evening and On the Radio.
  6. Semi-wintery days. I'm not really convinced winter's arrived yet because the weather here is acting Crazy Lady. But I want to start drinking tea and carrying my bold red blanket everywhere and buying tights that come up to my knees.
  7. weheartit.com/entry/29177117


6. Because I could Not Stop For Death by Emily Dickinson is the first poem that made me go all weirdly emotional. CREDIT.
7. THIS street fashion blog.
8. Walking home from school and seeing things I never have before. 
9. The Haunting and Ghost Lab on Discovery ID. Paranormal experiences.

  1. People in love, especially those guilty of public displays of affection.
  2. This new fugly claw like nail trend.
  3. Lilac hair. 
  4.  People who spell really bad and speak incorrectly.
    from: perfume.org


OF OUR utmost importance.

1.Too small or unimportant to be worth consideration.
2.(of a person) Without power or influence.
Synonyms:- unimportant - petty - trifling-trivial  - negligible

We are enormously insignificant, but it is still important to be.


The Frown - The National

This - actually - is South African. Had a quick glance at it on MK and have continued to fall into its intruiging pit of disgust and repulse. In a good way. Proud that its one of the best eye-catching videos I've come across, and it's locally produced. This graphically overshadows the song a bit, but I'd give the song about a 6.5 / 10 without the video anyway. Enjoy.


Kringe in `n Bos

"Party dinge is altyd se dinge, hulle het nie begin nie en hulle het nie end nie."
"Some things are forever's things, they don't have a beginning and they don't have an end." ~Maska, Circles in a Forest
website for this image: www.goodreads.com

Hierdie boek hier is ons Graad 11 voorgeskrewe boek. Ons is besig om `n tweede kwartaal aan hom te lees. Dalene Matthee (1938-2005), skrywer van al die Bos-boeke, skepper van toepaslike karakters, waardes en gesklipunte, se wese lewe in Kringe in `n Bos deur Saul Barnard. Milieu is geset in Knysna-bos, Suid-Afrika. Die werklikheid le in die fiksie. Tradisioneel, eie, outentiek.

This book here is our Eleventh Grade prescribe work. We're spending a second term reading it. Existence of Dalene Matthee (1938-2005), author of all the Forest books, creator of believable and relevant characters, morals and issues, lives in Circles in in a Forest through Saul Barnard. Milieu is set in the Knysna Forest, South Africa. The reality lies in the fiction. Traditional, unique, authentic.

Joanna Newsom

Listen to: '81 from album: Have One on Me

And it does not suffice, for you, to say:
I am a sweet girl
And it does not suffice to say
you hate to see me sad
Because of you

And everywhere I tried to love you

Is yours again and only yours.

above left: www.listal.com


Listen to: Cover of "By your Side" by Beachwood Sparks. Oh!

When you're gone,
I'll be there, hold you tight
To me